dinsdag 9 april 2013

Drawings Dutch 12foot dinghy

You want to build a 12foot dinghy by yourself and need the drawings. The Dutch watersportverbond is selling them. You can order the drawings of the 12foot dinghy (in dutch 12voetsjol) by sending an email to Mrs. Denise Willaarts secretary watersportverbond. The price is 60 euro for members of a Dutch sailing club. Other people have to pay 90 euro. After paying, the watersportverbond will sent the drawings to your home address. Besides the drawings you need the Dutch national class rules 2012 bouwvoorschriften2012. It is written in Dutch. In the past we have translated this document in the English lanquage. It is not up to date anymore, but it gives you probably enough information class rules 2007. see also the pictures of a 12foot dinghy