zondag 6 december 2015

Technische vergadering 14 februari 2016

Op 14 februari wordt door het watersportverbond een technische vergadering georganiseerd. Alle meetbriefhouders krijgen een uitnodiging. Over alle 41 voorstellen zal worden gestemd.
Weet je niet wat je moet kiezen, helpt misschien bijgaand stemadvies.

The picture above one of the so called Dirvana files from Turkey: the original drawings of the 12footdinghy, made in Italy about 1930 and after that bought by the chairman of the Turkish sailing federation and professor Suleiman Dirvana. His son Edhem Dirvana has given these drawings as a gift to the Dutch Twaalfvoetsjollenclub in 2007. An example of the worldwide popularity of this wooden boat. The Dutch wooden dinghy style is close to the original drawings of the designer George Cockshott in 1913. Everybody in the world recognise the Dutch style as the classic wooden dinghy standard. At 14 february 2016 a technical meeting will be organised by the Dutch Watersport Assocation. Also foreigners with a dinghy have a vote, if you are the owner of a Dutch certificate. Some rules will change. Be aware if you are building now a dinghy in the Dutch style.