The international class organization 12footdinghy classic wood club (CWC) has fixed the racing events for the Friendship Series 2017
1 Germany. April 1-2 April Baldeneysee, Ruhr, Essen
2 The Netherlands. June 3-4-5 Kager Plassen, Pinksterwedstrijden
3 England. July 21-22-23, North Sea, Lowestoft
4 Belgium. October 28-29 Lac de l’eau d’heure, Wallonie, Henegouwen
The Friendship Series always have a sizable participation. Races for wooden classic 12foot Dinghies in an agreeable atmosphere on beautiful locations, three of which outside the Netherlands.
Put these dates in your calendar.
CWC commodore Bert Hamminga made a detailed announcement with pictures, maps and background information. Click on friendshipseries 2017

Always fun at the Friendshipseries. The sisters Patricia en Peggy Surendonk. Pictures are made by Roger Smith in West Kirby, England.